Digitalizing shrimp farming
with a single app

Digitalizing shrimp farming
with a single app

Digitalizing shrimp farms’ workflows with an app that offers functionalities for
managing activities around the shrimp farming ecosystem, such as task management,
resource monitoring, data analysis, and ordering shrimp nutrition.

Digitalizing shrimp farms’ workflows with an app that offers functionalities for managing activities around the shrimp farming ecosystem, such as task management, resource monitoring, data analysis, and ordering shrimp nutrition.

Shrimp farming is a growing industry, yet still mostly reliant on analogous and time-consuming processes. Suppliers for shrimp nutrition play an important role in the value chain of aquaculture farming. As digitalization partner, ILI.DIGITAL created an app for a big shrimp nutrition supplier: a mobile application to manage, perform and measure activities around the shrimp farming ecosystem. The project involved experts in strategy, design, development, and psychology.

Shrimp farming is a growing industry, yet still mostly reliant on analogous and time-consuming processes. Suppliers for shrimp nutrition play an important role in the value chain of aquaculture farming. As digitalization partner, ILI.DIGITAL created an app for a big shrimp nutrition supplier: a mobile application to manage, perform and measure activities around the shrimp farming ecosystem. The project involved experts in strategy, design, development, and psychology.

Analyzing the pain points

Instead of investing a lot of resources in paperwork, shrimp farmers needed a way to focus on their core business again. Therefore, a solution was required to support farmers and their farmworkers in their daily work.

The status quo at the shrimp farms involved in our research was defined by the following pain points:

-Workforce scheduling and task management require a lot of strategic effort

-Data & analytics must be monitored regularly

-Resources must be tracked permanently

-Financial information must be administered

This provided an ideal opportunity for re-engineering and optimizing processes to increase productivity and quality by creating a digital solution.

Analyzing the pain points

Instead of investing a lot of resources in paperwork, shrimp farmers needed a way to focus on their core business again.
Therefore, a solution was required to support farmers and their farmworkers in their daily work.

The status quo at the shrimp farms involved in our research was defined by the following pain points:

Workforce scheduling and task management require a lot of strategic effort

Data & analytics must be monitored regularly

Resources must be tracked permanently

Financial information must be administered

This provided an ideal opportunity for re-engineering and optimizing processes to increase productivity and quality by
creating a digital solution.

A user-centered digital solution

Pursuing the aim of enabling productivity and quality by providing access to highly specific knowledge and tools, the app includes the following aspects:

Simple information access

Using the app, it is possible to collect, store and analyze data from shrimp production, e.g., environmental factors or shrimp health data.

Efficient task management

Task management is facilitated: Farm owners can delegate and track daily tasks on their farm in real-time.

FACT-based decision-making

Knowledge is centrally stored to make decisions based on real data.


An implemented online shop to quickly order commodities for shrimp farming, e.g., shrimp food or nutritional supplements.


A gamified experience encourages the farmworkers to complete tasks that translate to a more efficient farm management.

A user-centered digital solution

Pursuing the aim of enabling productivity and quality by providing access to highly specific knowledge and tools, the app includes the following aspects:

Simple information access

Using the app, it is possible to collect, store and analyze data from shrimp production, e.g., environmental factors or shrimp health data.

Efficient task management

Task management is facilitated: Farm owners can delegate and track daily tasks on their farm in real-time.

FACT-based decision-making

Knowledge is centrally stored to make decisions based on real data.


An implemented online shop to quickly order commodities for shrimp farming, e.g., shrimp food or nutritional supplements.


A gamified experience encourages the farmworkers to complete tasks that would translate to a more efficient farm management.

Behavioral analysis and gamification as productivity enablers

To increase the farmworkers’ productivity, the app is based on human behavior. Accordingly, it is enriched with gamification elements that foster motivation.


User profiles are customizable so that users can identify with their avatars.


A progress bar shows the status of task completion which fosters the will to fulfill tasks.


While completing their daily tasks, users can compete with other farms in rankings.


A reward system for successfully achieved farm work milestones is implemented.

Analyzing the pain points

The manufacturer’s existing assets, more precisely their product portfolio, formed on an optimal basis to be enriched by digitalization.

Analysis showed an initial status including the following pain points:

The user journey between the end-customers’ demand and their desired product has a high complexity

The product portfolio’s visibility is improvable

There is little information about who potentially interested customers are

A way to analyze future market developments is needed

Connecting these pain points and thus enhancing both the experience for the manufacturer and their end-customers was addressed by ILI.DIGITAL.


Today, the addressed shrimp farming eco-system benefits from enhanced business processes which enable simplified workflows and a higher level of productivity.

With support from ILI.DIGITAL, shrimp farms have digitalized their daily work. This means farmworkers enjoy more efficient task completion enriched by gamified app elements. Also, the automation of administrative tasks has freed up significant capacity in the completion of core tasks.

Moreover, for the shrimp nutrition supplier, the e-commerce integration resulted in even closer integration into the value chain. They can now directly sell their shrimp nutrition products to farms directly.


Today, the addressed shrimp farming eco-system benefits from enhanced business processes which enable simplified workflows and a higher level of productivity.

With support from ILI.DIGITAL, shrimp farms have digitalized their daily work. This means farmworkers enjoy more efficient task completion enriched by gamified app elements. Also, the automation of administrative tasks has freed up significant capacity in the completion of core tasks.

Moreover, for the shrimp nutrition supplier, the e-commerce integration resulted in even closer integration into the value chain. They can now sell their shrimp nutrition products to farms directly.

Key success factors

LI.DIGITAL focused on three aspects to make the app a success:

Human-centered approach

Identified pain points were merged with knowledge about human behavior and connected with gamification to meet the users’ requirements.

Workflow digitalization

By providing related functionalities, administrative tasks are automated by the app, and shrimp farms can focus on their core business again.

Digital intelligence

With the app, farmers have access to real-time data to support their decision-making. This way, they are able to analyze and optimize their profitability more effectively.

Experts at ILI.DIGITAL

  • VINICIUS // Data Scientist
    YERIM // Design Researcher
  • 1598436238032
    BILAL // Developer

Project duration

ILI.DIGITAL follows a clear strategy which exactly defines how long single processes take. Therefore, the time required for a project is easy to estimate.

Key success factors

ILI.DIGITAL focused on three aspects to make the app a success:

Human-centered approach

Identified pain points were merged with knowledge about human behavior and connected with gamification to meet the users’ requirements.

Workflow digitalization

By providing related functionalities, administrative tasks are automated by the app, and shrimp farms can focus on their core business again.

Digital intelligence

With the app, farmers have access to real-time data to support their decision-making. This way, they are able to analyze and optimize their profitability more effectively.

Experts at ILI.DIGITAL

  • VINICIUS // Data Scientist
    YERIM // Design Researcher
  • 1598436238032
    BILAL // Developer

Project duration

ILI.DIGITAL follows a clear strategy which exactly defines how long single processes take. Therefore, the time required for a project is easy to estimate.

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