
In cyber security we see two perspectives. The strategic version of a CEO and the technical vision of a CIO. And both are essential for your company..

We transfer New Digital Business into 

a corporate IT-world in a way that others cannot.

We transfer New Digital Business into a corporate IT-world in a way that others cannot.

We act as a concierge for CIOs

and as a strategic advisor for CEOs.

We act as a concierge for CIOs and as a strategic advisor for CEOs.

We believe in the simple

not in the complex.

It’s not only zeros and ones.

For us at ILI.DIGITAL there are different types of protection.

At the start of our projects we highly value protection in the form of an NDA, especially to protect your intellectual property and business secrets. 

When it comes to digital business model transformation,

we see cyber security as an evolving process. 

When it comes to digital business model transformation, we see cyber security as an evolving process. 

A Minimum Lovable Product has to meet all the security requirements and guidelines of the corporate IT world. That’s common sense. However, some of the requirements and guidelines might be overdesigned and can be a showstopper in early stages of digital strategic projects.

More and more CEOs and CIOs have the understanding that there is a difference

between digital business model projects and IT-projects.

We have a special cyber security concept that allows our moves to be agile with our Minimum Lovable Product and our digital-business-model-as-a-service.  It is capable of evolving into a full size security concept once it reaches the operation phase.

Core Security

Our architecture covers all requirements and

can handle all kinds of digital business solutions.

Our architecture covers all requirements and can handle all kinds of digital business solutions.

  • AWS Standard Security
  • Data Base Encryption
  • Corporate Security
  • Cyber Security Insurance
  • Information Lifecycle Management
  • Access Control


Our goal is to consistently deliver high performance,

availability and data integrity in our solutions.

Our goal is to consistently deliver high performance, availability and data integrity in our solutions.

  • Customized Auto-Backups
  • Elastic Storage
  • Elastic Computing Power
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Auto Scaling
  • Load Balancing

product security

Designing new business models means delivering

secure products while maintaining a healthy time to market.

Designing new business models means delivering secure products while maintaining a healthy time to market.

  • Security Protocol Standards
  • Encryption in transit & at rest
  • Dedicated hosting machines
  • Advanced authentication
  • Vulnerability testing
  • Evolving security standards

operation practices

Security begins with the mindset and is consistently

reflected in our daily business operations.

Security begins with the mindset and is consistently reflected in our daily business operations.

  • Secure and up-to-date hardware
  • Project based access policy
  • Licensed and audited software
  • Sense for tailored cyber security
  • Ability to execute MVPs into IT-world 
  • Cyber security awareness program 

security processes

Our security processes are designed to both reactively

reduce damage and proactively prevent damage.

Our security processes are designed to both reactively reduce damage and proactively prevent damage.

  • Incident Management
  • Activity Monitoring
  • Auditable Logs
  • Customized Processes

compliance & Privacy

We handle all data with extreme care. We are fully compliant with data protection principles and can fulfill requests at any time.

We handle all data with extreme care. We are fully compliant with data protection principles and can fulfill requests at any time.

  • GDPR Compliance
  • Privacy
  • Transparency
  • Data handling on request

We are a leading force of digital business model transformation. What are we not? Everything else.

We find solutions to create something out of nothing. Or turn your current assets into a miracle.

And, we are prepared in the field of cyber security to design and run your digital business. 

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        Why don’t you leave a message to us or simply leave your contact details. Our team will reach you out.
        Design Researcher

        meet Yerim who is specialised in design research.
        meet Peter who is specialized in topic of gamification.

          What is the timeline you expect to see the results?

            Thank you!

            Why don’t you leave a message to us or simply leave your contact details. Our team will reach you out.
            Design Researcher

            meet Yerim who is specialised in design research.
            meet Peter who is specialised in topic of gamification.