Who trusts algorithm to make decisions

Who trusts algorithm to make decisions

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Explore algorithm aversion through an online experiment using machine learning. Read the article on Psychology Today, a research by our CAIO Vinicius Ferraz.

Who trusts algorithm to make decisions

In today’s world, algorithms are everywhere — curating our Spotify playlists, suggesting YouTube videos, and even helping us make financial decisions. But despite their prevalence and power, many of us are still hesitant to fully rely on them. Researchers call this “algorithm aversion”; we tend to distrust algorithmic advice even when it outperforms human judgment.


  • People often distrust algorithms due to “algorithm aversion,” even when they outperform humans.
  • In one study, age, extraversion, and trust were the most significant factors influencing algorithm aversion.
  • Women delegated to algorithms less often and reacted more strongly to algorithmic mistakes compared to men.
  • Transparency boosted algorithm trust, while costs decreased it, showing the sensitivity to value and fairness.
Cover Who trusts algorithm

This post was published on Psycology Today, the world’s largest mental health and behavioral science destination online.

The article was written by Peter Slattery, Ph.D., a researcher at MIT FutureTech, where he explores social and behavioural drivers and barriers to AI adoption and scaling, in collaboration with VinĂ­cius Ferraz, ILI.DIGITAL Chief Data & AI Officer.

May 10, 2024
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